When you stop and think about what makes you happy, you’ll find it’s those lovely times when you photograph your children and family. A snapshot, a quick moment – quite often these days with a phone. Then what fun you have sharing those moments – maybe even making a photo collage or book (my friend Mel does this religiously and I love her for it!). But ….. WHERE ARE YOU?
Seriously, if you look back on your camera roll photos – how often do you appear in them with your children. Once, twice – maybe the odd selfie? Us mums just adore taking thousands of pictures of of our gorgeous subjects but we are nowhere to be seen.
I quite quickly noticed this when my children were around 2 or 3. We even joked and called myself ‘Invisible Mum’ (amongst other names!). Anyway, you are beginning to understand my point. You don’t want to look back on their childhood and you have turned into Invisible Mum. You mean everything to them – be there too.
It’s time for you to step out from behind the camera. Schedule some time for a professional photo shoot every 2-3 years and watch your family grow, with you in it! Here are some of my favourite mum / children shots from the past 12 months.
Ideas for a Mothers Day Photo Shoot
Every couple of years, I commission a photographer to do just that. To capture our family as a complete unit and some with just the children and me. Here are a few from our last shoot – and 2018 signifies the third instalment to our story.
Photo Credit: Chinchilla Photography
Every time I pause for a family photo shoot, I choose a season. So for example, the first was summer, 2016 was autumn (as pictured above) and this year will be spring!
With mothers day coming up, now is the perfect time to start documenting your little family. It’s never to late to start. Just promise me, you’ll step out and never be invisible in front of the camera again.
To see more of my family photo shoots, pop over and visit the blog
P.S – Don’t forget, Mothers day is on Sunday 11th March.
Mothers Day Photo Shoot - Amanda Powell Photography[…] isn’t it. So many mums stay behind the camera. If this is you – have a read of my blog ‘mums step out’. It’s so important not to miss those moments and to capture those hugs and happy smiles […]